feburary 2nd 2022 court of honor
at this court of honor we had many rank advancements merit badges
Double Lake 2019
The scouts went to the Double Lake Recreation Area and had a great time climbing trees, swimming, and setting up camp. The webelos from Troop 883 came along too and we had a great time teaching them knife and fire safety. The camp was very well liked among the scouts, and we look forward to going again next year.
Webelos Woods 2019
The scouts went to the Webelos Woods Event at Bovay Scout Ranch. They had a good time teaching first aid and building and playing sky nine. The webelos had a great time and Troop 89 looks forward to going next year.
Float Trip 2019
On the float trip, the scouts had lots of fun swimming, playing in sand, setting up camp, and kayaking and canoeing through the creek. We look forward to coming back next year.
Big Rivers Water Park
The scouts went to Big Rivers Water Park this August. Big Rivers Water Park is located 16 miles north of Kingwood. They had a great time swimming in the river and going on the different slides. The scouts think it was a great make up event for missing Galveston.
Woodlands Township Meeting
Last July the scouts went to the Woodlands township discussion on whether or not to get incorporated. Overall, the scouts had a good time doing the Citizenship in the Community merit badge. We met with Gordy Bunch, the chairman of the township, and heard the public's arguments for and against incorporation.
Float Trip 2018
Last September, Troop 89 went on a float trip in VillageCreek River, by Double Lake. They left very early Saturday morning, canoed about nine miles up a river, stayed the night, and then traveled about a mile on Sunday before heading home. They camped on a beach on the river, and had a great time. The float trip was an awesome experience, and we can’t wait to see you on the next campout.
Summer Camp 2018
Last July Troop 89 attended summer camp at Camp Alexander, Colorado. The drive took two days, so on the way up the troop slept at Kwahadi Lodge, a native American Museum. The museum featured a Native American dance as well as tons of cool artifacts. The camp itself was amazing. Mountain scenery was everywhere. Merit badge classes were from Monday to Thursday, as the scouts learned unique skills. On Friday, Members of the troop flew through Class 3 rapids during whitewater rafting. Overall, the trip was awesome. The troop has plans of returning next summer, and we hope to see you there!
Galveston 2018
Last May, Troop 89 visited Galveston. This campout is one of the favorites because the scouts get to go to Schlitterbahn, one of the most famous waterparks in Texas. The scouts spent most of Saturday there, and then relaxed on the beach. For dinner, the Old Goat patrol made a fantastic barbecue for everyone. This was such a great campout, and we hope you enjoy the rest of your summer!
Cunningham Ranch 2018
This last March, Troop 89 spent a weekend at Cunningham Ranch. Mr. Cunningham, a former Troop 89 leader, lets the boys camp on his property every year. This is the new scout campout, and all 11 new scouts attended the event. By the end of the campout, most of the boys had reached Scout rank, their first step in the journey to Eagle. In the morning, the Troop worked on skills, such as cooking and tying knots. The afternoon was fun time, which was spent relaxing, fishing, shooting BB guns, and playing in the river. At dinner, the Megaladon patrol won the prestigious Iron Skillet with a delicious meal of fried shrimp. After that was a lively campout filled with hilarious skits. This campout was a lot of fun, and I can’t wait to see you at the next one!