Parent Info
CalendarCheck in on current events with Troop 89. This calendar mirrors the calendar published in Scoutbook. For any questions regarding the events, contact your SPL.
Order a Troop T-ShirtEvery scout should have at least one of the Troop T-shirts (aka Class B shirts). These are used throughout the summer.
Key ContactsThis links to the email for the Troop 89 Scoutmaster and Committee Chair. Further contacts may be found in Scoutbook.
Forms and ApplicationsThis page links to the most up-to-date forms available for all forms related to Scouts and Troop 89 activities.
Scout AccountsHere is the link for contacting the Troop 89 Treasurer regarding your scout's account as well as further information about finances related to scouting.
Committee Meeting ArchivesPast Committee Meeting minutes for reference. Meeting minutes should be published here within a week of the meeting.