Russell Wing (Nov 93) -- Painted street addresses on neighborhood curbs for emergency services
Dax Pallota (April 95) -- Painted street addresses on neighborhood curbs for emergency services
Wes Pierce (April 95) -- Painted street addresses on neighborhood curbs for emergency services
Kenneth Tidwell (Nov. 95) -- Painted a open air pavillion at a neighborhood park
Brad Johnson (June 97) --Xeroscape nature trail Barbara Bush Elementary and Guidebook
Joe Langley (June 97) -- Built wolf enclosures at Borough Park
Chester Sanders (Jan. 98) -- Planted trees at David Elementary
David Swift (March 98) -- Built reflecting ponds and nature trail at Wilkerson Intermediate
Dario Pallota (May 98) -- Landscaped the front of Wilkerson Intermediate
Taylor Auld (Jan. 99) -- Landscaped the front of Powell Elementary
Jeremy Tidwell (Feb. 99) -- Built ten picnic tables at Hauser Intermediate School
Eric DeStefano (March 99) -- Built wheel chair ramp for hospice
Shawn Arend (Sep. 99) -- Added billboard structure to nature trail at Wilkerson Intermediate, identified plants, and put up posters
Michael Inde (Oct. 99) -- Built a hurricane proof shed to house tools for the community college's new greenhouse
David Story (Oct. 99) -- *
George Manthos (Nov. 99) -- Restored a nature trail and small dam in Davy Crockett National Forest
Mike Lyons (Nov. 99) -- Picnic table carved with the wolf story in Indian symbols, two benches, and wolf name plaques for wolf preserve.
Joey Edgerly (Jan. 00) -- Composting bin at Wilkerson Intermediate School
Geoffrey Sutton (Aug. 01) -- Made six hundred wood plaques for forest service
Robert Dykes (Aug. 01) -- Built a raptor flight cage for Vero Park Wildlife Preserve
Scott Bauer (May 02) -- Built a porch at Jesse Jones State Park
Corby king (Oct. 02) -- Built benches for Woodlands Marlins Swim Team
Erik Johnson (March 03) -- Painted street addresses on neighborhood curbs for emergency services
Andrew Koy (Sep. 03) -- Built fence at Gateway Church
Eric Adams (Oct. 03) -- Cleared area and installed post and plaques at Mitchell Preserve
Evan Howlett (Oct. 03) -- Built dog pen for Humane Society
Matt Capozzelli (Jan 04) -- Repainted fire station floor and hydrants in Shenandoah
Danny MacLeod (Jan 04) -- Installed tough timber edging at Crossvine Park
David W (Feb 04) -- Built eight by twelve storage shed for church
James Colvin (March 04) -- Painted a storage area at pregnancy assistant center
Matt Levert (March 04) -- Built storage cabinets and moved files at medical clinic
Garrett Roberts (Jun 04) -- Replaced a bridge on Woodlands Hike and Bike Trail
Gregory caraway (July 04) -- Painted markers and cleaned up disc golf course
Ian Moore – (Jan 05) -- Organized and supervised Organ Donor Drive
Matthew Sorich (Feb 05) -- Renovated Shenandoah Sharks Swim Team's trophy case and picnic tables
Brian Burks (April 05) -- Built beach volleyball court at Alden Bridge Park
Travis Weathersby (Sep. 05) -- Renovated bridge on North Millbend Loop with synthetic wood planks
Matt Sisco (Oct. 05) -- *
Curtis Johnson (Jan 06) -- Built pathway steps into hill at Mercer Arboretum
Brendon Garcia (April 06) -- Built footbridge for Woodlands Parks Department
Grady bell (April 06) -- Renovated bridge on bike trail by Ridgewood Park
Michael Gross (April 06) -- Refurbished outdoor volley ball court
William Montgomery (Aug 07) -- Painted school crests on entry drive at College Park High School
Justin Roberts (Aug 07) -- Build storage garage and shelving for Oak Ridge High School band
Brian Mitchell (Oct 07) -- Landscaping at Magnolia Post Office
James Morrison (Apr 08) -- Installed sign posts at Jones State Forest
John Hannah (Aug 08) -- Installed sign posts at Montgomery County Nature Preserve
John Simms (Sep 08) -- Planted trees at Woodlands College Park baseball field
Michael Ference (Nov 08) -- Removed cattail infestation and planted cypress trees for Montgomery Co Precinct 3
Mark Barnes (Nov 08) -- Leader at music performance and made musical variety show
Killian Ashley (Dec 08) -- Installed plant identification signs at Burroughs Park
Baker Beers (Apr 09) -- Trail restoration at Mitchell Preserve
Kyle Caraway (Apr 09) -- Assembled benches and anchored to ground in Montgomery County Preserve
Brennon Sessions (Apr 09) -- Concrete sidewalk at Interfaith "Hand Me Up Shop"
Austin Cunningham (Apr 09) -- Built and installed benches for cemetery at Oklahoma, TX, on FM 2978 at FM1488
Marcus Minton (Sep 09) -- Built and installed benches for Montgomery County Nature Preserve
Andrew Rogers (Jan 10) -- Built shelving to store music for Woodlands High School Choir
Nick Wisniowiecki (Mar. 10) -- Constructed chimney swift tower for Woodlands Parks Department
Brock Duelm (Apr. 10) -- Cleared woods for trail in George Mitchell Nature Preserve
Evan Gardiner (May 10) -- Cleared woods for low impact hiking trail at George Mitchell Nature Preserve
Grant Schroeder (May 10) -- Built new trail at George Mitchell Nature Preserve
Andrew Smith (May 10) -- Habitat restoration of pond at Montgomery Preserve
Sam Ashley (Apr 11) -- Painted school mascot Bulldog images around entrance drive to Magnolia High School.
Ian Kendall (Apr 11) -- Clearing a section of trails at the George Mitchell Nature Preserve
Colt west (Jun. 12) -- Cleared section of trail at George Mitchell Nature Preserve
Mitchell Joraholmen (Aug12) -- Food drive at Kroger on Research Forest Drive
Connor Roth (Aug 12) -- Increased usability of The Woodlands High School athletic quad/walkways
Alex Alexander (Aug 12) -- Blood drive
Daniel Harris (Aug 12) -- Built habitat for red cockaded woodpecker
Chris Golze (Aug 13) -- Restored archery range at Creekside YMCA
Joseph Valencia (Aug 13) -- *
Austin Bae (Sep 13) -- Shelving for College Park High School orchestra
Clay Jones (Oct 13) -- Built exercise areas at North Shore
Newton Liu (Nov 13) -- Built cage for animals for Texas Wildlife
Cole Howden (Nov 14) -- Operation Christmas Child
Rico Biggart (May 15) -- *
Spencer Czerniak (Jul 15) -- Made two structures benefiting Montgomery County Women’s Shelter
Dalton Kott (Jul 15) -- Built fence line along property line for Jones State Forest
Jackson Valencia (Nov 15) -- Walking bridges at Jones State Forest
Connor Loomis-Price (Apr 16) -- Put up trophy shelves at College Park High School
Andrew Ritchie (Aug 16) -- Planted trees to reforest parts of Andrew Rodman school
Gabriel Carbajal (Sep 16) -- Constructed a boardwalk over a stream and wetlands for the spring creek greenway
Jack Landau- (Sep 16) -- Designed/constructed 12 wooden benches for sports fields at south Montgomery co YMCA
Trace Blackketter- (April 17) -- Completed a Flag Drive
Samuel Behrens- (April 17) -- Designed/constructed 5 benches and a cross for The Methodist Church at Woodforest
* -- If you have information regarding this Scout's Eagle Scout project, please contact the Troop 89 Webmaster at [email protected]