Committee meeting notes
Troop 89 Committee Meeting Minutes
Sunday, November 17, 2019 @ 4:00 PM
In attendance: Keith Landau, Jenny McKenna, Kevin McKenna, Ray Nyeholt, John Bauer, Joel Bates, Neil Sahni, Jeff Long, Eric Mulkay. Matt Horak, Long Han
Highlights: see details in related section
Committee Chair: Jenny McKenna
Activity/Outdoor coordinator: Joel Bates
CoH Coordinator: Sonya Flowers
Equipment/Quartermaster: Mark Posey
Secretary: Long Han
Fundraising: Melissa Horak
Training Coordinator: Rob Whitney
New Scout/Parent Coordinator: Neil Sahni
Community Service Coordinator: Laura Sahni
Advancement: Brooksie Estrada, NEED ASST
Life to Eagle: John LaPlante
Health & Safety Coordinator: Patrick O’Toole
Webmaster/Social Media/Publicity: Alistair Grimes
Historian: OPEN
Scout Fair Coordinator: Kevin McKenna
Troop Shirts: Jill Brumberger, NEED ASST
Clothing Swap Coordinator: Sonny Smoak
STEM Advisor: Scott Trotter
Sustainability Advisor: OPEN
Treasurer: Rene Bisono
Adult Recognition: Rachel McConnell
MB Advisor: Sonya Taylor
Next Committee meeting December 15th at 4pm
Sunday, November 17, 2019 @ 4:00 PM
In attendance: Keith Landau, Jenny McKenna, Kevin McKenna, Ray Nyeholt, John Bauer, Joel Bates, Neil Sahni, Jeff Long, Eric Mulkay. Matt Horak, Long Han
Highlights: see details in related section
- Summer camp 2020: troop 89 selected Camp Daniel Boone (NC) at the week of July 19. Camp fee: $340/person (youth and adult)
- Transition from Troopmaster to Scout Book: every adult needs to sign up on scout book. Officially Troop 89 and 890 will move to scout book on 12/1/2019.
- Treasurer’s Report
- Tabled
- Tabled
- Upcoming Trips / Activities
- 11/23-26: Ouachita backpacking, food and tent are ready for the trip
- 12/6-8: Ratcliff campout
- 12/16: Survival Session with Bazza, A scout veteran from Australia will give a presentation around 7:15PM-8:15PM
- 1/17-1/19: Mission Tejas
- 2/14-16: Enchanted rock: camp site booked
- May campout: Galveston state park have booking issue due to park renovation. Exploring nearby private camp site.
- Winter Camp
- A few people signed up
- Summer Camp – 2020
- 890: Camp Rockefeller: Week 1, June 7-13
- 89: Camp Owasippe (MI) site needs to be changed due to mosquito borne virus found in Michigan. Daniel Boone (NC) site is selected as the replacement. Based on the camp booking schedule provided by Mr. Nyeholt, week of July 19, 2020 is selected. Camp Fee: $340/person (Youth and adult)
- Summer Philmont
- Scoutmaster Update
- Mr. Landau is organizing a venture group and planning for shooting opportunities. Several places were discussed for shoot outing. To shoot handgun, one needs to be 14 years or old and in the venture group.
- Transition from Troopmaster to Scout Book: every adult needs to sign up on scout book. Officially troop 89 and 890 will move to scount book on 12/1/2019.
- Troop Quartermaster Report
- Insurance: Mr. McKenna took photos for insurance need
- Where to park the troop trailer in the future was discussed.
- State of the Committee - Recruiting - Adult Leadership Positions
Committee Chair: Jenny McKenna
Activity/Outdoor coordinator: Joel Bates
CoH Coordinator: Sonya Flowers
Equipment/Quartermaster: Mark Posey
Secretary: Long Han
Fundraising: Melissa Horak
Training Coordinator: Rob Whitney
New Scout/Parent Coordinator: Neil Sahni
Community Service Coordinator: Laura Sahni
Advancement: Brooksie Estrada, NEED ASST
Life to Eagle: John LaPlante
Health & Safety Coordinator: Patrick O’Toole
Webmaster/Social Media/Publicity: Alistair Grimes
Historian: OPEN
Scout Fair Coordinator: Kevin McKenna
Troop Shirts: Jill Brumberger, NEED ASST
Clothing Swap Coordinator: Sonny Smoak
STEM Advisor: Scott Trotter
Sustainability Advisor: OPEN
Treasurer: Rene Bisono
Adult Recognition: Rachel McConnell
MB Advisor: Sonya Taylor
- New Business
- Re-charter: Troop 89 worked fine buy some adults from troop 890 were missing from the list
- New Year’s Eve Event: Boy scouts will serve food and clean tables after event finish at 10PM. Need one adult to coordinate the event. Featuring, comedian time (6-7PM) and live Jazz band.
- Committee meeting dates: 12/15, 1/12, 2/9, 3/29, 4/26, 5/17
Next Committee meeting December 15th at 4pm
Troop 89 Committee Meeting Agenda
Sunday, January 13, 2019 @ 4:00 PM
In attendance: Rene B, Charles H, Joel B, Keith L, Julie O, Jenny M, Hannah W, Kevin M
Committee Chair: Jenny McKenna
Activity/Outdoor coordinator: Joel Bates
High Adventure Transportation Coordinator: OPEN
CoH Coordinator: Jon Gregoire
Equipment/Quartermaster: Mark Posey
Secretary: OPEN*
Fundraising: OPEN*
Training Coordinator: Rob Whitney
New Scout/Parent Coordinator: Hannah Wilems
Public Relations/Publicity: OPEN
Community Service Coordinator: OPEN*
Advancement: Brooksie Estrada, NEED ASST
Life to Eagle: John LaPlante
Health & Safety Coordinator: Dan Skeen?
Webmaster/Social Media: Mildred van den Boom
Historian: OPEN
Scout Fair Coordinator: Kevin McKenna
Troop Shirts: Jill Brumberger, NEED ASST
Clothing Swap Coordinator: Sonny Smoak
STEM Advisor: Scott Trotter
Sustainability Advisor: OPEN
Treasurer: Edna Asare, Rene Bisono
Sunday, January 13, 2019 @ 4:00 PM
In attendance: Rene B, Charles H, Joel B, Keith L, Julie O, Jenny M, Hannah W, Kevin M
- Treasurer’s Report
- Keith, Jenny, and Rene will go to Woodforest Bank to update signatories to our bank account
- Rene is still investigating platforms to use to manage our finances. TroopLedger has HUGE drawback in that in can only be used on Windows
- LOL is planning and external audit this year, and our finances will probably be included
- Scoutmaster Update
- ILST: Rob led 12 boys on Saturday, and it went well. ILST will be held in July and January when leadership roles turn over. Starting in July, the 4 most senior Scouts will lead the training.
- The shingle display has been completed by Mr. Mote and will be debuted at the Feb CoH. Mr. Mote will maintain it for the foreseeable future, but it will eventually need to be passed off. Jenny will take several pictures at the CoH and share with John B to ask the church about leaving it on display. The legs can easily be taken off to be hung on a wall somewhere.
- 9 Scouts will join 89 from 883, 1 from another Troop
- 13-14 Scouts are discussing high adventure summer trip. AZ, NM, and CO are all being considered
- Some other backpacking/high adventure trips they are talking about:
- Ouachita Thanksgiving 2019
- International trip for senior boys
- Philmont 2020
- Seabase this March: Julie will reach out to Sean about paperwork
- Upcoming Trips / Activities
- Mission Trail Camp, January 18-20
- Backpacking 101, February 2
- Wilderness Survival, February 15-17
- Summer Camp - Alexander
- June 30-July 6
- Payment schedule needs to be published soon
- Need to begin getting adults on board to help with paperwork and transportation: Julie O’Toole and Charles Han
- Will complete swim test in advance
- Will book own rafting trip
- Will rent smaller trailers for the trip
- Troop Quartermaster Report - Trailer insurance: The next step is to photo one of each item (tent, stove, etc) to show what they are for insurance company. Can the adult quartermaster (Mark?) take this on?
- State of the Committee - Recruiting - Adult Leadership Positions
- Family volunteer requirement, Fall CoH deadline
Committee Chair: Jenny McKenna
Activity/Outdoor coordinator: Joel Bates
High Adventure Transportation Coordinator: OPEN
CoH Coordinator: Jon Gregoire
Equipment/Quartermaster: Mark Posey
Secretary: OPEN*
Fundraising: OPEN*
Training Coordinator: Rob Whitney
New Scout/Parent Coordinator: Hannah Wilems
Public Relations/Publicity: OPEN
Community Service Coordinator: OPEN*
Advancement: Brooksie Estrada, NEED ASST
Life to Eagle: John LaPlante
Health & Safety Coordinator: Dan Skeen?
Webmaster/Social Media: Mildred van den Boom
Historian: OPEN
Scout Fair Coordinator: Kevin McKenna
Troop Shirts: Jill Brumberger, NEED ASST
Clothing Swap Coordinator: Sonny Smoak
STEM Advisor: Scott Trotter
Sustainability Advisor: OPEN
Treasurer: Edna Asare, Rene Bisono
- New Business
- First Mondays begin February 4th: Sonny will put the swap clothing out and let the new Scouts know they will be available
- CoH: February 4th: Treasurer approval needed, advance assignments: May not be enough time for this time, but we will notify and ask. Will announce and discuss at CoH
- District Dinner for John Sanders on January 26: we have 2 tables ready to go
- New Members, Mark Posey is make a new batch of slides
- Scouting for Food: Jenny is working to se this up at HEB again
- Scouts BSA: we would still like to help a girl Troop start, but we have not had any girls interested. Mildred can add a banner to our website sharing that we are taking girls
- Coupon books are coming soon. Jenny will ask for assistance. If not, she will handle it. Jill is on board to help secure Kroger times
- Upcoming meeting plan:
1/14 – regular meeting
1/21 – PLC
1/28 – regular meeting, boards of review, visiting Webs
2/4 – CoH
2/11 – regular meeting, new patrol welcome
2/18 – PLC
2/25 – regular meeting, first official for new patrol/parent meeting
Troop 89 Committee Meeting Minutes
Sunday, December 16, 2018 @ 4:00 PM
In attendance: Sherri B, Rene B, John B, Jon G, Edna A, Kevin M, Jenny M, Ray N, Joel B, Dan S, Hannah W
Committee Chair: Jenny McKenna
Activity/Outdoor coordinator: Joel Bates
High Adventure Transportation Coordinator: OPEN
CoH Coordinator: Jon Gregoire
Equipment/Quartermaster: Mark Posey
Secretary: OPEN*
Fundraising: OPEN*
Training Coordinator: Rob Whitney
New Scout/Parent Coordinator: Hannah Wilems
Public Relations/Publicity: OPEN
Community Service Coordinator: OPEN*
Adult Recognition Awards: OPEN
Advancement: Brooksie Estrada, NEED ASST
Life to Eagle: John LaPlante
Health & Safety Coordinator: Dan Skeen?
Webmaster/Social Media: Mildred van den Boom
Historian: OPEN
Scout Fair Coordinator: Kevin McKenna
Troop Shirts: Jill Brumberger, NEED ASST
Clothing Swap Coordinator: Sonny Smoak
STEM Advisor: Scott Trotter
Sustainability Advisor: OPEN
Treasurer: Edna Asare, Rene Bisono
Sunday, December 16, 2018 @ 4:00 PM
In attendance: Sherri B, Rene B, John B, Jon G, Edna A, Kevin M, Jenny M, Ray N, Joel B, Dan S, Hannah W
- Treasurer’s Report
- Edna is cleaning up the books before transferring over to Rene.
- She needs a copy of the re-charter packet (Jenny will get; in drawer downstairs), the commission report for popcorn (Jenny will get from Lori).
- She has experimented with Troop Ledger and thinks it will work fine. Rene is to experiment with it and choose what online platform he’d like to use.
- There is less than $1,000 in bad debt from Scouts that have moved away over the past couple of years. Several attempts have been made to collect with no success. Jenny made a motion, Jon seconded to write this amount off and use campership funds to cover per Edna’s recommendation. The committee voted in favor.
- She needs a copy of the re-charter packet (Jenny will get; in drawer downstairs), the commission report for popcorn (Jenny will get from Lori).
- Edna had a few recommendations for the new treasurer as follows:
- Scouts should not be able to advance in rank unless their Scout account is at zero. This was voted and approved by the committee previously, and we will begin enforcing this rule at the next CoH. The Scoutmaster will provide a list of those advancing for the Treasurer to approve.
- It is still recommended to maintain a $100 balance on the Scout account
- Jon made a motion, Kevin seconded to increase dues by $2/quarter for an $8 total increase per year as our advancement costs have been slowly increasing, possibly due to the merit badge program and increasing numbers of badges awarded. The committee voted in favor.
- Expense forms will continue to not be accepted after 6 weeks. This will help with avoiding accruing bad debt.
- Scouts should not be able to advance in rank unless their Scout account is at zero. This was voted and approved by the committee previously, and we will begin enforcing this rule at the next CoH. The Scoutmaster will provide a list of those advancing for the Treasurer to approve.
- Jenny made a motion, Jon seconded to nominate Rene Bisono as Treasurer starting January 1, 2019. The committee voted in favor.
- Please take the time to welcome Rene and thank Edna for her 7 years of service as Treasurer of Troop 89!
- Please take the time to welcome Rene and thank Edna for her 7 years of service as Treasurer of Troop 89!
- Edna is cleaning up the books before transferring over to Rene.
- Scoutmaster Update
- Backpacking 101 in December was rained out and rescheduled for February 2nd.
- A big thanks to Mr. Knight for securing Big Bend sites for the November trip after a scheduling snafu. When asked if we will go again next Thanksgiving, it was mentioned that we typically backpack on spring break but went on Thanksgiving break this year because of Sea Base. TBD
- January’s trip is the ten mile Mission Trail through San Antonio. It is not traditional backpacking and all level of Scouts are welcome.
- Backpacking 101 in December was rained out and rescheduled for February 2nd.
- Upcoming Trips / Activities
- Winter Camp, December 26-31, Huiming Gu
- Mission Trail Camp, January 18-20
- Winter Camp, December 26-31, Huiming Gu
- Summer Camp - Alexander
- June 30-July 6
- Payment schedule needs to be published soon
- Need to begin getting adults on board to help with paperwork and transportation
- June 30-July 6
- Troop Quartermaster Report - Trailer insurance (tabled)
- State of the Committee - Recruiting - Adult Leadership Positions
- Family volunteer requirement, Fall CoH deadline: beginning with the new Scout class in February, each family will need to provide an active adult in the Troop. At this time, we have only a handful of inactive families, and Jenny will reach out to them individually. Open positions are below.
- Joel Bates volunteered to serve as the Activity/Outdoor coordinator. Jenny made a motion to approve, Jon seconded. The committee voted in favor. Joel will be in touch with Keith to discuss how to best support the program.
- Hannah Wilems is moving to Seattle at the end of this program year, so Recruiting/New Membership Coordinator is an open position.
- Family volunteer requirement, Fall CoH deadline: beginning with the new Scout class in February, each family will need to provide an active adult in the Troop. At this time, we have only a handful of inactive families, and Jenny will reach out to them individually. Open positions are below.
Committee Chair: Jenny McKenna
Activity/Outdoor coordinator: Joel Bates
High Adventure Transportation Coordinator: OPEN
CoH Coordinator: Jon Gregoire
Equipment/Quartermaster: Mark Posey
Secretary: OPEN*
Fundraising: OPEN*
Training Coordinator: Rob Whitney
New Scout/Parent Coordinator: Hannah Wilems
Public Relations/Publicity: OPEN
Community Service Coordinator: OPEN*
Adult Recognition Awards: OPEN
Advancement: Brooksie Estrada, NEED ASST
Life to Eagle: John LaPlante
Health & Safety Coordinator: Dan Skeen?
Webmaster/Social Media: Mildred van den Boom
Historian: OPEN
Scout Fair Coordinator: Kevin McKenna
Troop Shirts: Jill Brumberger, NEED ASST
Clothing Swap Coordinator: Sonny Smoak
STEM Advisor: Scott Trotter
Sustainability Advisor: OPEN
Treasurer: Edna Asare, Rene Bisono
- New Business
- First Mondays: committee members and key leaders are asked to be at every first meeting of the month to be available to Troop families beginning January 1. This includes the clothing swap.
- CoH: February 4th: reminder, Scouts must have a zero or positive account balance to advance
- Re-Charter is complete: Thanks to John Bauer for submitting so Jenny could attend John’s band concert!
- Recruiting, neckerchiefs/slides – Pack 883
- Hannah will check with Pack 883 about how we can participate in their B&G ceremony.
- We probably need a few more neckerchiefs and slides on hand. Hannah, do you want to get or do you want Jenny to?
- Hannah will check with Pack 883 about how we can participate in their B&G ceremony.
- District Dinner for John Sanders on January 26: every leader needs to make every effort to attend this event. Mark your calendars now.
- Service Project: Un-deck the Halls on Monday, January 7th at noon
- Our charter asked us to assist in this service project again this year. It is essentially taking down all the Christmas decorations. Julie O’Toole will take the lead, Jenny offered to buy pizza for those who attend.
- Our charter asked us to assist in this service project again this year. It is essentially taking down all the Christmas decorations. Julie O’Toole will take the lead, Jenny offered to buy pizza for those who attend.
- Sally Johnson plans to donate some uniforms and will bring them up during a Monday meetingS
- Some Scouts will receive additional commission from wreath sales end of December/January from the $8 bonus if a recipient also ordered. Dan will consider spearheading wreaths again next year.
- Anyone fundraising is encouraged to get signed up with a Square account to take credit card payments. Families can collect the funds like cash then write one check to the Troop for the amount. Be sure to pass the fees associated on to the purchaser with their knowledge/consent. It is minimal, and they can always opt to not make the purchase.
- Go to to set up an account and request a free square.
- Be aware that iPhone 8s do not have a place to plug it in
- Rene will investigate how to utilize Square technology to accept due payments
- Go to to set up an account and request a free square.
- First Mondays: committee members and key leaders are asked to be at every first meeting of the month to be available to Troop families beginning January 1. This includes the clothing swap.